The Aeneid

By Publius Vergilius Maro �Vergil�

 Translated by Latin III, Palos Verdes Peninsula High School


Arms, wires, and cans, a guy named Trojae Qui wanted some primer

made in Italy .  Profuse in fat, he ventilated and laved himself while in his

leotards.  Often, illness and deep terror jactitated his body multiple times.

Maybe because he took ebonics lessons

Many dumb quacks rang bells for pesos near the urban condos where he lived

This infers that the place was inhabited by Latinos, a race from Mexico

His father was Albino and tall, much like Roman columns


To make a long story short, TQ went to Italy on Alaskan airlines and bought some primer.  Then it turns out that his mom came for a short visit to his condo while he was gone.  Some bum named Achates was occupying it when his mother visited.  His mother thinks he went to some citadel in Africa and getting it on with a queen with some family issues.  Well, at least that is what the fates wanted�

Anyway, by some freak coincidence, TQ suddenly wants to go to Africa �cool huh�and meets some dude named Dido who is somewhat gay since he loves this guy named Aeneas.


--Screw the rest�


Special Thanks to Mrs. Maxwell, our teacher